SCI급 논문
전체 1,218
번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
248게재년월201408연차2014논문제목Virus Templated Gold Nanocube Chain for SERS Nanoprobe연구자이혜은, 이화경, 장혜진, 안효용, 노로에르덴, 이호영, 이윤식, 정대홍, 정준호, 남기태게재학술지명Small, 10, 15, 3007-3011발행기관발행번호IF
247게재년월201408연차2014논문제목Time–Weissenberg number superposition in planar contraction microchannel flows연구자이대웅, 안경현게재학술지명Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics(210, ,41-46)발행기관발행번호IF
246게재년월201409연차2014논문제목Ca2+-Dependent Intracellular Drug Delivery System Developed with “Raspberry-Type” Particles-on-a-Particle Comprising Mesoporous Silica Core and a-Synuclein-Coated Gold Nanoparticles연구자이대견, 홍재원, 박찬영, 이하결, 이지은, 현택환, 백승렬게재학술지명ACS Nano, 8(9), 8887-8895발행기관발행번호IF
245게재년월201409연차2014논문제목Comparative Study of Process Integration and Retrofit Design of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Regasification Process Based on Exergy Analyses: A Case Study of an LNG Regasification Process in연구자박성호, 박찬샘, 이웅, 정익환, 나종걸, 크리스, 한종훈게재학술지명Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (37), 14366-14376발행기관발행번호IF
244게재년월201408연차2014논문제목Prepartion of Uniform Carbon Nanoshell Coated Monodispersed Iron Oxide Nanocrystals as an Anode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries연구자김현식, 권순구, 강순형, Yuanzhe Piao, 성영은게재학술지명Electrochimica Acta 136 (2014) 47-51발행기관발행번호IF
243게재년월201408연차2014논문제목Pt-based Nanoarchitecture and Catalyst Design for Fuel Cell Applications연구자정남기, 정동영, 유재윤, 유성종, 성영은게재학술지명Nano Today, 9, 433-456발행기관발행번호IF
242게재년월201408연차2014논문제목Single-Step and Rapid Growth of Silver Nanoshells as SERS-Active Nanostructures for Label- Free Detection of Pesticides연구자양진경, 강호만, 이현미, 조아라, 정신영, 전수지,김혜인, 이호영, 정대홍,김종호,이윤식게재학술지명ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces, 6, 12541-12549발행기관발행번호IF
241게재년월201408연차2014논문제목Surface ligands in synthesis, modification, assembly and biomedical applications of nanoparticles연구자Daishun Ling, Michael J. Hackett, 현택환게재학술지명Nano Today, 9, 4, 457-477발행기관발행번호IF
240게재년월201408연차2014논문제목Synthesis and characterization of self-cross-linkable and bactericidal methacrylate polymers having renewable cardanol moieties for surface coating applications연구자최용석, 김기현, 김동균, 김희중, 차상호, 이종찬게재학술지명RSC Advances, 2014, 78, 41195-41203발행기관발행번호IF
239게재년월201408연차2014논문제목Three-dimensional scaffolds of carbonized polyacrylonitrile for bone tissue regeneration연구자류승미, 이충현, 박주연, 이준섭, 강서경, 서영덕, 장정식, 김병수게재학술지명Angewandte Chemie-International edition, 53, 35, 9213-9217발행기관발행번호IF