SCI급 논문
전체 1,218
번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
338게재년월201501연차2015논문제목Adhesive barrier/directional controlled release for cartilage repair by endogenous progenitor cell recruitment연구자이종민, 류지현, 김은아, 조성연, 김병수, 이해신, 임군일게재학술지명Biomaterials, 39, 173-181.발행기관발행번호IF
337게재년월201501연차2015논문제목Assessment of bacterial community structure in nitrifying biofilm under inorganic carbon-sufficient and –limited conditions연구자배효관, 정윤철, 양희정, 이창수, Rio Aryapratama, 유영제, 이석현게재학술지명JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND HEALTH PART A-TOXIC/HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING(50,2,201-212)발행기관발행번호IF
336게재년월201501연차2015논문제목A Novel Dynamic Modeling Methodology for Boil-Off Gas Recondensers in Liquefied Natural Gas Terminals연구자이창준, 이기백, 이종민게재학술지명Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan(48, 1, 44-51)발행기관발행번호IF
335게재년월201501연차2015논문제목A Fault Magnitude-Based Strategy for E ffective Fault Diagnosis and Isolation연구자이상호, 전정우, 이웅, 이철진, 한종훈게재학술지명Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 48(10), pp841-847발행기관발행번호IF
334게재년월201412연차2014논문제목Molecular inscription of environmental information into protein suprasturcutre:temperature effects on unit assembly of a-synuclein oligomers into polymorphic amyloid fiirls연구자박기범, 이정희, 김태환, 이대견, 백승렬게재학술지명Biochemical Journal, 464, 259-269발행기관발행번호IF
333게재년월201412연차2014논문제목Kinetic and Mechanistic Insights into the All-Solid-State Z-Schematic System연구자유성주, 이수영, 여정은, 한정우, 이종협게재학술지명Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118(51), 29583-29590발행기관발행번호IF
332게재년월201412연차2014논문제목Multi-Shell Porous TiO 2 Hollow Nanoparticles for Enhanced Light Harvesting in Dye-sensitized Solar Cells연구자황선혜, 윤주영, 장정식게재학술지명Advanced Functional Materials, 24, 48, 7619–7626발행기관발행번호IF
331게재년월201412연차2014논문제목Mussel-Inspired Dopamine- and Plant-Based Cardanol-Containing Polymer Coatings for Multifunctional Filtration Membranes연구자최용석, 강효, 최용석, 강효, 김동균, 차상호, 이종찬게재학술지명ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2014, 6, 21297-21307발행기관발행번호IF
330게재년월201412연차2014논문제목New dry carbon nanotube coating of over-lithiated layered oxide cathode for lithium ion batteries연구자문준영, 문준영, 박진환, 최원창, Anass Benayad, 박준호, 이재명, 두석광, 오승모게재학술지명Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 46, 2, 19670-19677발행기관발행번호IF
329게재년월201412연차2014논문제목Optimal operation strategy of batch vacuum distillation for sulfuric acid recycling process연구자정재흠, 정재흠, 송기욱, 박성호, 나종걸, 한종훈게재학술지명Computers & Chemical Engineering (Volume 71, pp 104-115)발행기관발행번호IF