SCI급 논문
전체 1,218
번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
428게재년월201504연차2015논문제목Accuracy Improvement in Cyclic Voltammetry Stripping Analysis of Thiourea Concentration in Copper Plating Baths연구자김춘수, 김성환, 이재한, 김지예, 윤제용게재학술지명ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (7, 14, 7486-7491)발행기관발행번호IF
427게재년월201504연차2015논문제목Capacitive and oxidant generating properties of black-colored TiO2 nanotube array fabricated by electrochemcial self-doping연구자이병호, 이상일, 이민우, 정대홍, 백영빈, 윤제용, 김용협게재학술지명Nanoscale, 7, 15,발행기관발행번호IF
426게재년월201503연차2015논문제목Multifunctional Cell-Culture Platform for Aligned Cell Sheet Monitoring, Transfer Printing, and Therapy연구자김석주, 조혜림, 조경원, Shutao Qiao, 임정수, 소민, 김태호, 최문기, 최창순, 박인혁, Nathaniel S. Hwang, 현택환, 최승홍, Nanshu Lu, 김대형게재학술지명ACS Nano, (9, 3, 2677-2688)발행기관발행번호IF
425게재년월201503연차2015논문제목Nanogrooved Substrate Promotes Direct Lineage Reprogramming of Fibroblasts to Functional Induced Dopaminergic Neurons연구자유준상, 노명경, 김홍남, 전누리, 김병수, 김종필게재학술지명Biomaterials, 45: 36-45.발행기관발행번호IF
424게재년월201503연차2015논문제목Ortho-hydroxylation of mammalian lignan enterodiol by cytochrome P450s from Actinomycetes sp.연구자정은옥, 최권영, 정다혜, 윤형돈, 김병기게재학술지명Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 32(3):471-477, 2015발행기관발행번호IF
423게재년월201501연차2015논문제목Synergistic effect of non-thermal plasma–catalysis hybrid system on methane complete oxidation over Pd-based catalysts연구자이희수, 이대훈, 송영훈, 최원춘, 박영기, 김도희게재학술지명Chemical Engineering Journal, 259, 761–770발행기관발행번호IF
422게재년월201501연차2015논문제목Solution based, On Chip Direct growth of Three-Dimensionally Wrinkled Gold Nanoparticles for a SERS Active Substrate연구자이수승, 송현돈, 양영인, 김길표, 최인희, 이종협게재학술지명Chemical Communications(51, 213-216)발행기관발행번호IF
421게재년월201501연차2015논문제목Robust Polydiacetylene-based Colorimetric Sensing Material Developed with Amyloid Fibrils of a-Synuclein연구자양지은, 박재성, 조은애, 정선호, 백승렬게재학술지명Langmuir, 31(5), pp 1802-1810발행기관발행번호IF
420게재년월201501연차2015논문제목Rational Design of a Bi-functional Catalyst for the Oxydehydration of Glycerol: A Combined Theoretical and Experimental Study연구자윤양식, 이경록, 박홍석, 김태용, 윤다님, 한정우, 이종협게재학술지명ACS Catalysis(5, 82-94)발행기관발행번호IF
419게재년월201501연차2015논문제목Polymeric Embolization Coil of Bilayered Polyvinyl Alcohol Strand for Therapeutic Vascular Occlusion; A Feasibility Study in Canine Experimental Vascular Models연구자정승채, 최승홍, 조혜림, 이태훈, 김태양, 정우원, 이계한, 조재영, 김재형, 한문희게재학술지명Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (26(1) 117-123)발행기관발행번호IF