SCI급 논문
전체 1,218
번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
508게재년월201507연차2015논문제목Injection and unfolding연구자김대형, 이영식게재학술지명Nature nanotechnology, 10, 570발행기관발행번호IF
507게재년월201506연차2015논문제목Risk-Based Process Safety Management through Process Design Modification for Gas Treatment Unit of Gas Oil Separation Plant연구자이용석, 이성모, 신서린, 이건학, 전정우, 이철진, 한종훈게재학술지명Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54(22), pp6024-6034발행기관발행번호IF
506게재년월201506연차2015논문제목Purification and functional reconstitution of human olfactory receptor expressed in Escherichia coli연구자양희홍, 송현석, 안세련, 박태현게재학술지명Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering (20, 3, 423-430)발행기관발행번호IF
505게재년월201504연차2015논문제목Understanding Interface between Electrode and Electrolyte: Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Design for Fast Ion Conductivity연구자정동영, 정영훈, 김승민, 임주완, 이경재, 정남기, 신혜영, 김옥희, 김형준, 유성종, 성영은게재학술지명The Journal of Physical Chemistry C(119,17,9169)발행기관발행번호IF
504게재년월201504연차2015논문제목Time-delay control of ionic polymer metal composite actuator연구자이준환, 김병조, 김진성, 송대석, 이민규, 조재영, 김동민, 이계한, 이수진게재학술지명SMART MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES (24(4) 047002)발행기관발행번호IF
503게재년월201504연차2015논문제목SnO2 nanotube arrays embedded in a carbon layer for high-performance lithium-ion battery applications연구자엄지현, 유승호, 조용훈, 성영은게재학술지명New Journal of Chemistry(39, 14, 2541)발행기관발행번호IF
502게재년월201504연차2015논문제목Simple Size Control of Spherical Titania Nanoparticles with KCl연구자임주현, 엄지현, 박윤지, 성영은, 이진규게재학술지명Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society(36,4,1258)발행기관발행번호IF
501게재년월201504연차2015논문제목Screening of target-specific olfactory receptor and development ofolfactory biosensor for the assessment of fungal contamination in grain연구자안정호, 임종현, 박주훈, 오은해, 손만기, 홍승훈, 박태현게재학술지명Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical(210, 1, 9-16)발행기관발행번호IF
500게재년월201505연차2015논문제목Wearable red–green–blue quantum dot light-emitting diode array using high-resolution intaglio transfer printing연구자최문기, 양지웅, 강광훈, 김동찬, 최창순, 박찬의, 김석주, 채수인, 김태호, 김지훈, 현택환, 김대형게재학술지명Nature Communications, (6, 7149~7157)발행기관발행번호IF
499게재년월201504연차2015논문제목Simultaneous improvements in the activity and stability of Candida antarctica lipase B through multiple-site mutagenesis연구자Camila Flor J. Yagonia, 박현준, 홍소연, 유영제게재학술지명Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering(20,2,218-224)발행기관발행번호IF