SCI급 논문
전체 1,218
번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
528게재년월201507연차2015논문제목Injection and unfolding연구자김대형, 이영식게재학술지명Nature nanotechnology, 10, 570발행기관발행번호IF
527게재년월201507연차2015논문제목In situ hybridization of carbon nanotubes with bacterial cellulose for three-dimensional hybrid bioscaffolds연구자박수범, 박주연, 조인수, 조성표, 성동철, 류승미, 박민성, 민경아, 김장호, 홍석륜, 홍병희, 김병수게재학술지명Biomatreials, 58, 93-102발행기관발행번호IF
526게재년월201507연차2015논문제목pH-triggered release of manganese from MnAu nanoparticles that enables cellular neuronal differentiation without cellular toxicity연구자방석호, 한진, 장현기, 노명경, 나완근, 이미영, 김우식, 김윤희, 유태경, 김병수게재학술지명Biomaterials (55: 33-43)발행기관발행번호IF
525게재년월201507연차2015논문제목Realization of Both High-Performance and Enhanced Durability of Fuel Cells: Pt-Exoskeleton Structure Electrocatalysts연구자김옥희, 조윤환, 전태열, 김정원, 조용훈, 성영은게재학술지명ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (7, 25, 14053–14063)발행기관발행번호IF
524게재년월201507연차2015논문제목Ridge regeneration of damaged extraction sockets using rhBMP-2: an experimental study in canine연구자이정석, 정재석, 임군일, 김병수, 조규성, 김창성게재학술지명Journal of Clinical Periodontology (42, 7, 678-687)발행기관발행번호IF
523게재년월201507연차2015논문제목Ultrastrong Composites from Dopamine Modified-Polymer-Infiltrated Colloidal Crystals연구자F. Liaqat, M. N. Tahir, H. Huesmann, P. Daniel, M. Kappl, G. K. Auernhammer, D. Schneider, I. Lieberwirth, 차국헌, G. Fytas, H.-J. Butt, W. Tremel게재학술지명Materials Horizons (2, 4, 434-441)발행기관발행번호IF
522게재년월201507연차2015논문제목A Bis(tridentate)cobalt Polypyridine Complex as Mediator in Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells연구자Andreas K. C. Mengel, 조우형, Aaron Breivogel, 차국헌, 강용수, Katja Heinze게재학술지명European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2015, 20, 3299–3306)발행기관발행번호IF
521게재년월201507연차2015논문제목Catalytic pyrolysis of lignin over HZSM-5 catalysts: Effect of various parameters on the production of aromatic hydrocarbon연구자김재영, 이재훈, 박지수, 김정권, 안동환, 송인규, 최준원게재학술지명Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis(114, 273-280)발행기관발행번호IF
520게재년월201507연차2015논문제목Bimodal colloid gels of highly size-asymmetric particles연구자이주영, 이성재, 안경현, 이승종게재학술지명Physical Review E, (92, 1, 012313)발행기관발행번호IF
519게재년월201507연차2015논문제목Flower-like Palladium Nanoclusters Decorated Graphene Electrodes for Ultrasensitive and Flexible Hydrogen Gas Sensing연구자신동훈, 이준섭, 전재문, 안지현, 김성근, 조경희, 장정식게재학술지명Scientific Reports. 5, 12294발행기관발행번호IF