SCI급 논문
전체 1,218
번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
708게재년월201601연차2016논문제목Production of Valuable Esters from Oleic Acid with a Porous Polymeric Acid Catalyst without Water Removal연구자김요한, 한주성, 정병연, 백희열, 야마다요이치, 우오즈미 야수히로, 이윤식게재학술지명SYNLETT, 27, 1, 29-32발행기관발행번호IF
707게재년월201601연차2016논문제목Poly(arylene ether)-Based Single-Ion Conductors for Lithium-Ion Batteries연구자오혁근, Kui Xu, 유현덕, 김대수, Chalathorn Chanthad, Guang Yang, Jiezhu Jin, Ismail Alperen Ayhan, 오승모 , Qing Wang게재학술지명Chemistry of Materials, 28, 188-196발행기관발행번호IF
706게재년월201601연차2016논문제목Online Burst Detection and Location of Water Distribution Systems and Its Practical Applications연구자이신제, 이기백, 서정철, 이종민게재학술지명Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 04015033-1발행기관발행번호IF
705게재년월201601연차2016논문제목Large scale synthesis of surface-enhanced Raman scattering nanoprobes with high reproducibility and long-term stability연구자김형모, 정신영, 함은일, 김재희, 차명근, 김경민, 강호만, 경산, 슈안 훙 팜, 이윤식, 정대홍, 전봉현게재학술지명Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry (33, 22-27)발행기관발행번호IF
704게재년월201601연차2016논문제목Injury-mediated vascular regeneration requires endothelial ER71/ETV2.연구자박창원, 이태진, 방석호, 리우펑, 나카무라 레이, 오란디우포 선, 피타로우 라, 카포시아 벤자민, 최홍서, 김태민, 우라오 노리푸미, 우시오푸카이, 이동준, 미요시 히로유키, 김병수, 임대식, 라젠드라, 오니츠 데게재학술지명Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology 36: 86-96발행기관발행번호IF
703게재년월201601연차2016논문제목Hydrogen Production by Steam Reforming of Ethanol over Mesoporous Cu-Ni-Al2O3-ZrO2 Xerogel Catalysts연구자한승주, 송지환, 방용주, 유재경, 박승원, 강기혁, 송인규게재학술지명International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (41, 4, 2554-2563)발행기관발행번호IF
702게재년월201601연차2016논문제목Facile Method for Preparation of Silica Coated Monodisperse Superparamagnetic Microspheres연구자슈안-훙 팜, 경산, 장재인, 김형모, 김재희, 정순호, 이윤식, 전봉현, 정우재게재학술지명Journal of Nanomaterials, Vol. 2016, 1730403, pages 1-9발행기관발행번호IF
701게재년월201601연차2016논문제목Enhancement of the rate performance of plasma treated platelet carbon nanofiber anodes in lithium-ion batteries연구자유진한, 이충현, 서영덕, 코지 나카바야시, 진 미야와키, 리카르도 산타마리아, 로사 멘데스, 장정식, 윤성호게재학술지명RSC Advances (6, 6, 4810-4817)발행기관발행번호IF
700게재년월201601연차2016논문제목Effect of Solvent Additives on Bulk Heterojunction Morphology of Organic Photovoltaics and their Impact on Device Performance연구자최원태, 송지연, 고종국, 장영선, 김태환, 한영수, 임지우, 이창희, 차국헌게재학술지명Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics (54, 2, 128-134)발행기관발행번호IF
699게재년월201603연차2016논문제목Effect of organoclay as a compatibilizer in poly(lactic acid) and natural rubber blends연구자옥현근, 김두현, 안경현, 이승종, João Manuel Maia게재학술지명EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL(76,216-227)발행기관발행번호IF