SCI급 논문
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번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
938게재년월201706연차2017논문제목Dual external field-responsive polyaniline-coated magnetite/silica nanoparticles for smart fluid applications연구자노정철, 홍승희, 윤창민, 이승애, 장정식게재학술지명Chemical Communications, 53(49), 6645-6648발행기관발행번호IF
937게재년월201706연차2017논문제목A highly sensitive FET-type aptasensor using flower-like MoS2 nanospheres for real-time detection of arsenic(III)연구자안지현, 장정식게재학술지명Nanoscale 9(22), 7483-7492발행기관발행번호IF
936게재년월201706연차2017논문제목Dopamine Receptor D1 Agonism and Antagonism Using a Field-Effect Transistor Assay연구자박선주, 양희홍, 이승환, 송현석, 박철순, 배준원, 권오석, 박태현, 장정식게재학술지명ACS Nano11(6), 5950-5959발행기관발행번호IF
935게재년월201706연차2017논문제목Conceptual Design of an Energy-Efficient Process for Separating Aromatic Compounds from Naphtha with a High Concentration of Aro연구자오태훈, 오세규, 김호수, 이경무, 이종민게재학술지명Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56, 25, 7273-7284발행기관발행번호IF
934게재년월201706연차2017논문제목Iterative Learning Control Integrated with Model Predictive Control for Real-Time Disturbance Rejection of Batch Processes연구자오세규, 이종민게재학술지명Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan, 50, 6, 415-421발행기관발행번호IF
933게재년월201611연차2016논문제목How Pt Interacts with CeO2 under the Reducing and Oxidizing Environments at Elevated Temperature: The Origin of Improved Thermal연구자이재하, 유영석, Xiaojun Chan, 김태진, 김도희게재학술지명JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, 120, 45, 25870-25879발행기관발행번호IF
932게재년월201611연차2016논문제목Facilitated Ion Transport in Smectic Ordered Ionic Liquid Crystals연구자이진홍, 한기성, 이제승, 알버트 S. Lee, 박서경, 홍성윤, 이종찬, 칼 T. 뮬러, 홍순만, 구종민게재학술지명Advanced Materials, 28,9301-9307발행기관발행번호IF
931게재년월201611연차2016논문제목A high-performance and fouling resistant thin-film composite membrane prepared via coating TiO2 nanoparticles by sol-gel-derived연구자김정찬, 서동우, 김춘수, 백영빈, 이병호, 김희중, 이종찬, 윤제용게재학술지명Desalination 2016, 397, 157-164발행기관발행번호IF
930게재년월201611연차2016논문제목Communication-Monitoring the Average Molecular Weight of Polyethylene Glycol in an Acidic Cu Plating Bath연구자게재학술지명Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 163, 14, D747-D749발행기관발행번호IF
929게재년월201611연차2016논문제목Spatiotemporal dynamics and correlation networks of bacterial and fungal communities in a membrane bioreactor연구자정소연, 이태우, 이정학, 김태관게재학술지명Water Research, 105, 218-230발행기관발행번호IF