SCI급 논문
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번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
968게재년월201708연차2017논문제목Size effects of a graphene quantum dot odifiedblocking TiO2 layer for efficient planar perovskite solar cells연구자유재훈, 이종우, 유해준, 윤주영, 이기수, 이정섭, 황도익, 강주연, 김성근, 장정식게재학술지명Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5(32), 16834-16842발행기관발행번호IF
967게재년월201708연차2017논문제목Proton conductive cross-linked benzoxazine-benzimidazole copolymers as novel porous substrates for reinforced pore-filling membr연구자김기현, 최성우, 박정옥, 김성곤, 임민영, 김기현, 고태윤, 이종찬게재학술지명Journal of Membrane Science, 536, 76-85발행기관발행번호IF
966게재년월201708연차2017논문제목Optimal design and operating condition of boil-off CO2 re-liquefaction process, considering seawater temperature variation and c연구자이석구, 최고봉, 이창준, 이종민게재학술지명Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 124, 29-45발행기관발행번호IF
965게재년월201708연차2017논문제목Coprecipitation of hydrochlorothiazide/PVP for the dissolution rate improvement by precipitation with compressed fluid antisolve연구자박희정, 윤태준, 권동의, 유경석, 이윤우게재학술지명Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 126, 37-46발행기관발행번호IF
964게재년월201708연차2017논문제목Enhancing p-Type Thermoelectric Performances of Polycrystalline SnSe via Tuning Phase Transition Temperature연구자이용규, 안경한, 차준일, 조총지안, 김효석, 최가람, 채수인, 박재혁, 조성표, 박상현, 성영은, 이원보, 현택환, 정인게재학술지명Journal of the American Chemical Society, 139, 31, 10887-10896발행기관발행번호IF
963게재년월201708연차2017논문제목Ionic liquid-mediated deoxydehydration reactions: Green synthetic process for bio-based adipic acid연구자신나라, 권소현, 문소정, 홍채원, 김영규게재학술지명Tetrahedron, 73 4758-4765발행기관발행번호IF
962게재년월201708연차2017논문제목Lineage specific differentiation of magnetic nanoparticle-based size controlled human embryoid body.연구자손보람, 김정아, 조성우, 정근재, 김병수, 황석연, 박태현게재학술지명ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 3(8), 1719–1729.발행기관발행번호IF
961게재년월201708연차2017논문제목Topography-Guided Control of Local Migratory Behaviors and Protein Expression of Cancer Cells.연구자신정연, 김홍남, 방석호, 윤정기, 서갑양, 전누리, 김병수게재학술지명Advanced Healthcare Materials 6, 16, 1700155발행기관발행번호IF
960게재년월201708연차2017논문제목Single enzyme nanoparticles armored by a thin silicate network: Single enzyme caged nanoparticles연구자홍성길, 김병찬, 나현빈, 이진우, 윤종규, 정승욱, 이창원, 이병수, 김한솔 Erik Hsiao, 김승H., 김병기, 박현규, 장호남, 현택환, Jonathan S. Dordick, jay W. Grate, 김정배게재학술지명CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 322, 510-515발행기관발행번호IF
959게재년월201708연차2017논문제목Effects of microporous TiO2 support on the catalytic and structural properties of V2O5/microporous TiO2 for the selective cataly연구자송인학, 윤승희, 이황호, 이승관, 조성준, 김도희게재학술지명Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 210, 421-431발행기관발행번호IF