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번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
1038게재년월201703연차2017논문제목Interplay between structure and property of graphene networks formed by an electric field in a poly (lactic acid) matrix연구자권오민, Hiroshi Watanabe, 안경현, 이승종게재학술지명Journal of Rheology(61, 291-303발행기관발행번호IF
1037게재년월201703연차2017논문제목High Density Single-layer Coating of Gold Nanoparticles연구자박기범, 이정희, 김창현, 정동영, 강현진, 오수정, 이정섭, 강진수, 유지문, 양지은, 유근일, 박성학, 이소민, 남기태, 전누리, 장정식, 홍병희, 성영은, 윤명한, 백승렬게재학술지명ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 9, 10, 8519-8532발행기관발행번호IF
1036게재년월201703연차2017논문제목Precise Identification of Graphene’s Crystal Structures by Removable Nanowire Epitaxy연구자김종혁, 임기택, 이양진, 김종인, 김기환, 박정원, 김관표, 이원철게재학술지명Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 8, 1302-1309발행기관발행번호IF
1035게재년월201703연차2017논문제목Ammoxidation of Propane to Acrylonitrile over Mo-V-P-Oy/Al2O3 Catalysts: Effect of Phosphorus Content연구자백민성, 이종권, 강흥중, 권범진, 이지혜, 송인규게재학술지명Catalysis Communications, 92, 27-30발행기관발행번호IF
1034게재년월201703연차2017논문제목Sorption-enhanced Hydrogen Production by Steam Reforming of Ethanol over Mesoporous Co/CaO-Al2O3 Xerogel Catalysts: Effect of Ca연구자한승주, 송지환, 유재경, 박승원, 강기혁, 송인규게재학술지명International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42, 9, 5886-5898발행기관발행번호IF
1033게재년월201703연차2017논문제목A Novel Approach for Gene Expression Optimization through Native Promoter and 5' UTR Combinations Based on RNA-seq, Ribo-seq, an연구자이정상, 김민우, 김민석, 정유진, 김은정, 조병관, 김병기게재학술지명ACS Synthetic Biology, 6:555-565발행기관발행번호IF
1032게재년월201703연차2017논문제목A Novel Approach for Gene Expression Optimization through Native Promoter and 5' UTR Combinations Based on RNA-seq, Ribo-seq, an연구자이정상, 김민우, 김민석, 정유진, 김은정, 조병관, 김병기게재학술지명ACS Synthetic Biology, 6:555-565발행기관발행번호IF
1031게재년월201703연차2017논문제목Effect of Soot on N2O Formation Over Pt Based Diesel Oxidation Catalyst Supported on Microporous TiO2연구자이승관, 이현정, 송인학, 윤승희, 김도희, 조성준게재학술지명Topics in Catalysis, 60, 3-5, 361-366발행기관발행번호IF
1030게재년월201703연차2017논문제목Wearable Force Touch Sensor Array Using a Flexible and Transparent Electrode연구자송준걸, 손동희, 김재민, 유영진, 이길주, 류왕, 최문기, 양지웅, 이민철, 도경식, 구자훈, 난슈루, 김지훈, 현택환, 송영민, 김대형게재학술지명Advanced Functional Materials, 27, 6, 1605286발행기관발행번호IF
1029게재년월201702연차2017논문제목Air-Operating Polypyrrole Actuators Based on Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Membranes Filled with Poly(ethylene oxide) Electrolytes연구자송대석, 조화연, 윤벼리, 조재영, 박종혁게재학술지명Macromolecular Research, 25, 2, 135-140발행기관발행번호IF