SCI급 논문
전체 1,218
번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
188게재년월201404연차2014논문제목Urchin-like polypyrrole nanoparticles for highly sensitive and selective chemiresistive sensor application연구자이준섭, 이준섭, 전재문, 신동훈, 장정식게재학술지명Nanoscale, 6, 8, 4188-4194발행기관발행번호IF
187게재년월201404연차2014논문제목SiO2/TiO2 hollow nanoparticles decorated with Ag nanoparticles: Enhanced visible light absorption and improved light scattering in dye-sensitized solar cells연구자황선혜, 황선혜, 신동훈, 윤주영, 김찬회, 최문정, 장정식게재학술지명Chemistry-A European Journal, 20, 15, 4439-4446발행기관발행번호IF
186게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Simulation-based Optimization of Multistage Separation Process in Offshore Oil and Gas Production Facilities연구자김익현, 김익현, 단승규, 김호수, 임흥래, 이종민, 윤인섭게재학술지명Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (53, 21, 8810-8820)발행기관발행번호IF
185게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Origin of the enhanced electrocatalysis for thermally controlled Nanostructure of Bimetallic Nanoparticles연구자정영훈, 정영훈, 정동영, 정남기, 박희영, 유성종, 장종현, 성영은게재학술지명Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 118, 9939-9945발행기관발행번호IF
184게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Novel method of powder-based processing of copper nanofoams for their potential use in energy applications연구자조형영, 조형영, 조용훈, 최명근, 조진한, 엄지현, 성영은, 조희만게재학술지명Materials Chemistry and Physics, 145, 1-2, 6-11발행기관발행번호IF
183게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Next-Generation Polymer-Electrolyte-Membrane Fuel Cells Using Titanium Foam as Gas Diffusion Layer연구자최혜림, 김옥희, 최혜림, 김옥희, 김민형, 최희만, 조용훈, 성영은게재학술지명ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 6, 7665-7671발행기관발행번호IF
182게재년월201405연차2014논문제목New Infrared Transmitting Material via Inverse Vulcanization of Elemental Sulfur to Prepare High Refractive Index Polymers연구자J. J. Griebel, S. Namnabat, 김의태, R. Himmelhuber, D. H. Moronta, 정우진, A. G. Simmonds, 김경조, J. v. d. Laan, N. A. Nguyen, E. L. Dereniak, M. E. Mackay, 차국헌, R. S. Glass, R. A. Norwood, J. Pyun게재학술지명Advanced Materials (26, 19, 3014-3018발행기관발행번호IF
181게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Magnetically recyclable core-shell nanocatalysts for efficient heterogeneous oxidation of alcohols연구자쇼코히메, 신근영, 이상민, Michael J. Hackett, 전우주, 오명환, 장정식, 현택환게재학술지명Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2, 20, 7593-7599발행기관발행번호IF
180게재년월201405연차2014논문제목In Situ Realization of Asymmetric Ratchet Structures within Microchannels by Directionally Guided Light Transmission and Their Directional Flow Behavior연구자김상문, 배원규, 김상문, 최세진, 오상근, 윤현식, 차국헌, 서갑양게재학술지명Advanced Materials (26, 17, 2665-2670)발행기관발행번호IF
179게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Hyaluronate - gold nanoparticle / tocilizumab complex for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis연구자이휘원, 이민영, 방석호, 김병수, 김윤섭, 주지현, 김기수, 한서광게재학술지명ACS Nano 8(5):4790-4708발행기관발행번호IF