SCI급 논문
전체 1,218
번호 게재년월 연차 논문제목 연구자 게재학술지명 발행기관 발행번호 IF
208게재년월201406연차2014논문제목Fouling and rejection behavior of carbon nanotube membranes연구자박승민, 정정우, 이상호, 백영빈, 윤제용, 서동균, 김용협게재학술지명Desalination, 343, 16, 180-186발행기관발행번호IF
207게재년월201406연차2014논문제목High Performance and antifouling vertically aligned carbon nanotube membrane for water purification연구자백영빈, 김철인, 서동균, 김태우, 이정석, 김용협, 안경현, 배상식, 이상철, 임재림, 이경혁, 윤제용게재학술지명Journal of Membrane Science, 460, 171-177발행기관발행번호IF
206게재년월201406연차2014논문제목Highly conductive, flexible and scalable graphene hybrid thin films with controlled domain size as transparent electrodes연구자신근영, 장정식게재학술지명Chemical Communications, 50, 50, 6645-6648발행기관발행번호IF
205게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Solvent evaporation mediated preparation of hierarchically porous metal organic framework-derived carbon with controllable and accessible large-scale porosity연구자양승재, 김태영, 양승재, 김태영, 이건실, 김연성, 윤제용, 박종래게재학술지명Carbon, 71, 294-302발행기관발행번호IF
204게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Systematic Regeneration of Waste Sulfuric Acid in Semiconductor Manufacturing Using Batch Vacuum Distillation연구자박성호, 박성호, 정재흠, 송기욱, 크리스나다스, 정창현, 한종훈게재학술지명Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53 (20), 8543-8552발행기관발행번호IF
203게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Synthesis and Properties of Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Branched-Graft copolymers and Their Applications to Solid-State Electrolytes for High-Temperature Lithium-Ion Batteries연구자심지민, 심지민, 김동균, 이진홍, 백지훈, 이종찬게재학술지명Polymer Chemistry (5, 10, 3432-3442)발행기관발행번호IF
202게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Delivery of bone morphogenetic protein-2 and substance p using graphene oxide for bone regeneration연구자나완근, 진민, 박새봄, 윤희헌, 정근재, 방석호, 박호영, 차국헌, 김병수게재학술지명International Journal of Nanomedicine, 9, 107–116발행기관발행번호IF
201게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Gelation of graphene oxides induced by different types of amino acids연구자안희영, 김태훈, 최 훈, 윤철상, 엄기주, 남재욱, 안경현, 이강택게재학술지명Carbon(71,229-237)발행기관발행번호IF
200게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Healable properties of polymethacrylate derivatives having photo crosslinkable cinnamoyl side groups with surface hardness control연구자최원재, 정재승, 김진주, 김성곤, 차상호, 박민, 이종찬게재학술지명Journal of Coatings Technology and Research, (11, 3, 455-459)발행기관발행번호IF
199게재년월201405연차2014논문제목Hyaluronate - gold nanoparticle / tocilizumab complex for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis연구자이휘원, 이민영, 방석호, 김병수, 김윤섭, 주지현, 김기수, 한서광게재학술지명ACS Nano 8(5):4790-4708발행기관발행번호IF